Hater; noun
Definition: A person who greatly dislikes a person or specific thing.
Recently I recieved some pathetic hatred towards myself and my blog Vanity Vixen.
I just could not get my head around how people could show hatred and just say generaly unpleasant things about me, when I was only doing what I loved & enjoyed. To be honest it did upset me first, for like a few hours, until I woke up the next morning and asked myself...
''Seriously? Your upset over people who clearly have nothing more exciting in their lives than to gossip about you?!''
Haters usually only hate for 3 main reasons;
1. They hate on people they secretly admire
2. Its a reflection of the hatred they have for themselves, Low self esteem.
Hence why they point out YOUR flaws, to basically make themselves feel better.
3. They are just miserable people, who hate to see other people try to make something of themselves.
I don't necessarily think jelousey is the case in all situations,but I do genuinely think it has got every reason to do with the 'hater' not being happy for another person's good luck or success.
Since starting Vanity Vixen besides all the lovely followers and readers I've gained, I have also gained some haters. Some of the things I hear back are ''Who does your one think she is? She is so vain like!State of all her selfies!'' or another one is ''Shes not that good looking, she could never be a youtuber''.....I hear these and I'm like Zzzzzzzz... Can people actually really be this miserable??
You get tired of being criticized after a while.
But that is only to be expected, when you expose yourself to the public, weather its blogging, acting, singing, modelling or dancing you will be open to critic, but some people will take it to an extreme eg. the haters :-)
My advice for any young women or men out there recieving hate from a hater,
Don't stress it, Do you even know these people first of all? and are their own lives really that boring
to be talking sh*t about your new hair/clothes/weight or new blog post.
If you didn't have some haters you would be doing something wrong.
Keep doing your thang, keep smiling...make them mad.
To my haters...I'm sure some of you are reading this.
I have so much more for you to be mad at.
Just be patient.
Vanity Vixen