So as some of you may know I joined Slimming World awhile back and fell in love!
I was doing great and lost six pounds in total within 3 weeks. However week 4 came then and I gained 2.5lb. I was disgusted with myself to the point where I just lost all motivation. Feeling sorry for myself claiming that ''I cant even eat nice things that normal people eat, I look at a creamy cake or smell a bag of salty chips and I gain a few pounds, NOT FAIR!''.
I was even so gutted that I stopped going to Slimming World.
After falling off the Slimming World band wagon for over a month, I decided to bite the bullet and go back last night. Absolutely dreading it, I just plucked up the courage to go in and step on the scales. Like why are we all so afraid of a little machine that displays a couple of numbers like, it frightens the life out of us, well me anyway! :)
Nearly died when the woman told me I had a loss of 2 pounds, I was amazed.
Girls, it just really goes to show that no matter what it is in life that you are working towards, be it weight or career goals , the most important thing is getting back up every time you get knocked down. I know it sounds so cheesy, but I don't think there was never a truer word spoken.
Myself, personally I would struggle with confidence, like alot of women my age, mostly to do with my weight and this is my way of dealing with it. I guess this little update/rant is just to remind all of you beautiful beings reading this, that YOU ARE HUMAN. Your mistakes do not define you as a person. Trust your journey, its unique to anyone elses. Even when it frustrates you the most and you don't understand it, just trust it.
Quote of the night.. Work hard & trust the process even when you do not understand it.
Stay sassy ladies, until my next blog post x VV