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Sunday, 16 November 2014

10 simple ways to improve your happiness

1. Laugh out loud. . . It is scientifically proven that laughing decreases stress levels.
Sitting next to people at work that make you laugh or getting the bus home with a hilarious person. Or...laugh at your own jokes :) L.O.L

2. Go to sleep. . . Personally I know sleep improves my mood & over all happiness.Taking a daily 20 minute nap or getting into bed an hour earlier makes the world of a difference, take it from me my nickname is sleeping beauty. #sleepingproblem

3. Make a list. . . There is nothing like a list. Write down all your tasks and 'to dos'.
 Helps to organise your thoughts and calm any anxiety. Me & my bestie are a tad bit obsessed with lists, we love to plan lol, she knows who she is :)

4. Music. . . For me, listening to music is a huge part of my life, whenever I'm feeling down in
the dumps I turn on my fave Nicki Minaj to lift my spirit, when I'm worried I turn on
either Jhene Aiko, Lauryn Hill or Bob Marley to calm my nerves. Music works wonders.

5. Exercise. . . I am aware not every one is into the gym or fitness classes, but a simple brisk walk or a swim or any type of exercise has a serious effect on our brain.
Exercise has been proven to be a more effective stress/anxiety reliever than tranquilliser's. 

6. Eliminate toxic people. . . Ain't nobody got time for toxic, mean, nasty people. Get rid of them.

7. Cuddle your pets. . . Besides their cuteness, pets see and hear everything, know exactly
when your feeling down and never judge you, not to mention their loyalty.
They can sense exactly how your feeling. I adore all my babies.
They make me smile every time even without realising. 

8. Indulge. . . I believe its a major factor when it comes to happiness, weather its shopping or food.
 Make sure to indulge a little in  life. Go on, buy the Prada bag or expensive Belgian
chocolates life is too short!

9. Prioritise close relationships. . . Make time for all your day 1s/mains/besties/BFFs whatever
you wanna call them :) Your family, blood is thicker & all that.

10. Count your blessings. . . People who pause each day to reflect on some positive aspect of
lives, experience a heightened sense of happiness and well-being. 

Hope you enjoyed this blog post, I don't claim to be a doctor or therapist but from my own experience all of the above work wonders. Plus I love positive, personal lifestyle blog posts.

Have a toasty, cosy Sunday night.

Vanity Vixen x                                                   

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