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Wednesday, 4 June 2014

''Breakout Be Gone''

Last week I suffered from such a terrible breakout. Usually my skin would be pretty good, the odd breakout but never as bad as this! I was getting worried too as I'm off on holidays soon, so I thought to myself what can I do to improve my skin, that is inexpensive and will clear it up fairly fast.
So here is how I went about it. :-)

Aswell as my 3 litres of water a day, I added green tea to my daily skin care routine.
I would drink 4-5 cups of it throughout the day, was in and out of the bathroom I don't know
how many time! :) Worth it though!
I also applied cool green tea bags under my eyes some morning, to get rid of puffiness as
I suffer badly from puffy eyes, this is also great for discolouration under the eyes.

Secondly I applied fresh aloe vera gel from the plant that I have growing in the house.
Could not live without it! Its a natural antiseptic and heals almost everything from sunburns to fungal infections. But because my breakout was pretty infected I needed something that would cancel that out and heal it up at the same time. Aloe vera is famous for it's natural healing properties and to anyone who hasn't got an aloe vera plant I would highly recommend you get one, its a lifesaver.
My little spot shrinker LITERALLY :-)
So I carried out these two simple, inexpensive steps religiously for seven days and I saw a serious difference
my breakout had gone completely. Its almost like a mini detox getting rid of all the impurities in your skin.
I found at the start of the week it got worse, but you know what they say it has to get worse to get better.
So I'm back to my normal self again now, just looking after my skin extra carefully, as I want it to be glowing on my holiday. Loading up on the factor 50 cause aint nobody got time for sunburn!
Try out my little mini detox girls! Inexpensive and simples.
You cant go wrong!
Vanity Vixen x

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