This post is dedicated to one of my best friends that genuinely doesn't know how beautiful she is not just on the outside but as a person, literally she is infectious and I am so lucky to have her in my life :-)
I was super excited to write this post as I love a good positive rant. I think this is a very important topic to discuss because I feel like it is never addressed properly. I am a makeup artist/beauty blogger and I LOVE makeup don't get me wrong but it should be only used for the sole purpose of enhancing our natural beauty. Alot of girls and women lack confidence and rely on makeup to cover up all their insecurities thus making them a little bit more confident. Correct me if I am wrong but most girls my age believe there is no such thing as natural beauty, only the likes of Beyonce 'I woke up like this' and other superstars.
That is all fake, photo shopped, and basically bull! Everyone has flaws and imperfections but that is exactly what makes us different to one another and stand out from the next person. That is beautiful.
Being different is beautiful.
I am 21 years old (pushing on!) and this has only dawned on me the past year or two. Anyone that knows me personally will know that I use to have a major insecurity about my nose and my bum, but throughout the years I've just embraced them both and learned to love them. Makeup is not about covering up all the things you don't like about yourself, Its about making the most of what you've been given.
Pick out 3 of your fave features and pride yourself on them, if its your eyes focus on your eye makeup, if its your smile, put on some lipstick and smile more! :-)
Statistics say that 90% of all women want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance.
Now don't get me wrong I don't claim to be gods gift and am by no means flawless believe me.
I do get my hang ups mainly on my figure, especially when scoffing chocolate and reading OK magazine :-) but I strive to improve it and learn to love it. Embrace what you have, be happy with the way you look, and highlight it with makeup. I always say its no good if your absolutely stunning,out of this world but if you are not a very nice person, people will see that before your good looks. I personally would consider nasty people very unattractive.
Truth it looks fade, but if you are a beautiful person inside it will never fade and will always shine through and you will forever be admirable :-)
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