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Tuesday, 3 June 2014

DIY Makeup setting spray

Today I am going to show you girls how easy and CHEAP it is to make a setting spray for these sticky summer months.
Basically what this spray will do is prolong the wear of your foundation, stop it from going shiny and sliding off your face. For a brand setting spray such as MAC or Urban Decay (which are fabulous!) you could end up spending anything from €15 to €30, so as a treat to mark the start of June I am going to run through instructions on how to make this fantastic spray.

-Spray bottle
-Rose water                                                                                                               

Yes! That is all you need!

1.Firstly fill up spray bottle 1/2 ways with water
2.Add 3 tbspn of toner (depending on your skin type if you have oily skin 4 tbspn and dry 2 tbspn)
3.Shake bottle to mix ingredients together
4.Add 2 tbspn rosewater (depending on how dewy you want the spray to be, oily 1, dry 3, if your skin is very sensitive I would avoid rosewater)
5. Shake bottle to mix ingredients together

There you have it. Simples! Gently mist face after your makeup application and you should be
all set for the day/night ahead.

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