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Saturday, 16 August 2014

A happy mind, is a healthy mind

This blog post is something I wouldn't usually do as its not beauty or makeup related but its a subject I am very passionate about...so here it goes. Hope you all enjoy.

They say ''A happy mind, is a healthy mind'' 
It wasn't only until recently I truly understood the meaning of this. Before I would have associated the word happiness with having lots of money, designer clothes, luxurious cosmetics, a 'Channing Tatum' look alike boyfriend , oh and a cute car. But I couldn't have been more wrong, happiness is not something you can buy, it's something that comes from within. I believe only you are responsible for your own happiness in life, my mom has been drilling this into my head since I was a child and only now has it sunk in.

So far in my 22 years I have been so lucky to be surrounded by good, positive people who only want the best for me & are constantly looking out for me. But like the majority of humanity I have come across negative people and places that have had a negative impact on my life. Once I realised this I took a 'spring clean' approach to life back then. Started fresh. Eliminating something or someone from your life that doesn't make you happy, be it a person or a job, is probably one of the best things you can do for yourself, your mind, your soul and your happiness. 

This is possibly one of my all time favourite quotes EVER!

''Free yourself from negative people, spend time with nice people who are smart, driven and like minded.
Relationships should help you, not hurt you. Surround yourself with people who reflect the person you want to be. Chose friends who you are proud to know, people you admire, who love and respect you -
people who make your day a little brighter by being in it. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. When you free yourself from negative places, people and thoughts, you free yourself to be you and being you is the only way to truly live''


I'm not trying to preach to the choir or go all Buddha on yo asses but all I am trying to get across is be happy, be healthy, don't worry about the material things in life or that super model boyfriend we all want. Focus on having a happy mind & soul and the rest in life will look after itself.

Vanity Vixen x

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