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Thursday, 7 August 2014

Surviving a break up

I'm not an expert on break ups but I know from experience It can be very hard to get over that horrible hurdle. I know most of you all enjoy my blog posts on makeup and skin care but I said tonight I would write about something different but something all of you can relate to.

First things first. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Sounds ridiculous now but seriously things can only get better, but you have got to help yourself & be your own hero.
Take it one day at a time, because it will take alot of time, but each day it gets better.
I am living proof you can get through a break up, proof that you are going to be OK and proof that in time you be happy again.

My breakup tips

-Download a playlist of depressing songs-gets out all your cry's and emotions (sounds silly but helps)
-Download a playlist of empowering songs- My faves are Beyonce Run The World and  (typical LOL!)
-Write a list reminding you of reasons why it would never work out
-Write a list of things you like about yourself
-Dedicate atleast one day a week to spending time with your bestie's (helped me loads!)
-Don't be afraid to cry...its not a sign of weakness, its a sign of letting it all out & eventually letting go
-Exercise more, I increased my gym and walking & I felt fantastic. It made me focus on something else and is a proven fact that exercising increases levels of dopamine (happy hormone) in the brain.
-Buy yourself an new outfit or get your nails done, treat yourself!
-Most importantly talk to someone you trust about the way your feeling, do not bottle stuff up!

Slowly I have learned to enjoy my own company instead of relying on somebody to fill that gap, but most importantly depend on yourself and nobody else. My mom always says it and she is bang on as usual ''You are the only one responsible for your own happiness, nobody else''

Happiness comes from within girls, never allow anybody that much power over your life.
Don't worry, be happy, it will all work out. Give it time.

Vanity Vixen x

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