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Tuesday, 29 July 2014

5 Ways To Get A Bigger Plumper Pout (the non surgical way)

Lips are are such an important feature of the face and I always 100% enhance mine as much as possible. However, this is a skill girls, and don't be fooled it's not that easy either. Always remember practice makes perfect!The key is to keep it as natural as possible to maintain your natural beauty.

1. Lip liner: Line a little bit outside your natural lip shape (as seen above).
Keep a light hand and a shade of liner similar to your own natural lip colour.
Rihanna is a celebrity that is famous for lining outside her lips, enhancing them even more, making them appear larger and more defined. Lining your lips also stops your lipstick from running or 'bleeding' so lining your lips will not only boost the size and shape but also keep your lipstick on for much longer on that night out on the town.

2. Essential oils: The cayenne pepper is extremely spicy and effective D.I.Y way to achieve fuller lips. Mix a small amount of pepper with water to form a thin paste. Apply this on your lips and leave it for about ten minutes. Rinse off with water. Avoid licking your lips when the paste is applied on your lips. Peppermint oil causes the swelling which makes them appear fuller and pink. Applying cinnamon oil to lips is also a way to boost that pout. It is better to mix lip balm while using the cinnamon oil. Remember the oil is very spicy so a little goes a long way. This will give you fuller and redder lips. Use this method only twice a week and this will make your lips naturally bigger and plumped.

3. Regular lip excercises: These exercises will stimulate collagen production which promotes plumped lips. Do not apply lipsticks or lip balms when starting these exercises, wash your lips thoroughly. There are different lip exercises that support plumping effects on lips. Whistle: Whistling help lip muscles to become active thereby increases the volume. This make them look attractive and plumped. Kiss: Puck up your lips using all your energy as if kissing. Smile: Pressing lips together. Repeat all these little excercises atleast 10 times a day. (You may look very odd but who cares if your lips grow!)

4. Lip Plumpers: Bought from the pharmacies/drugstores are fantastic. My 2 personal faves are the Too Faced 'Lip Injection' or Sally Hansen's 'Lip Inflation' as they are both a gorgeous neutral shade that go well over any nude/pink lipsticks and these products do exactly what they claim they do. Your lips more or less swell out (in a good way) it tingles quite a bit for a few minutes however after a while your lips feel normal again except noticeably bigger in size.

5. Exfoliation and brushing: Exfoliate your lips this gives you a plumping effect. You can use a lip exfoliator or brush your lips with a toothbrush. Apply some Vaseline or Carmex balm to lips; this will make it more moisturized and appear fuller. This process might cause little irritation as the skin on the lips is quite sensitive compared to skin of body parts.

I hope this will all help you achieve a bigger more plumper pout ladies.
Vanity Vixen x

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Constant exhaustion

Since the age of twelve constant exhaustion and a lack of energy has been a huge part of my life.

As you can imagine it is really frustrating when you know for sure there is something not right but doctors can't give you any answers. I have endured numerous horrible blood tests (hate needles) to rule out anemia, underactive thyroid, hemoglobinosis, caeliac disease, and diabetes. 
I am 22 now, and still haven't been diagnosed with anything. Its gotten to a stage now where I am trolling the internet for answers and literally self diagnosing LOL which is the worst thing you can do!

In school and college I was notorious for falling asleep in EVERY class, after awhile teachers and friends knew there was something up. I laughed it off but really it upset me that I wasn't able to stay awake for a class I enjoyed like Art or English. In college I studied beauty therapy and it was so difficult to study and keep up with the practical work, so much that it is safe to say I really struggled with college life. 

So now I've reached a stage where I refuse to be fobbed off anymore and am determined to be diagnosed with something, atleast then it can be treated. More than likely I am thinking I suffer from 
'Cronic Fatigue Syndrome' or 'Hypersomnia'. I don't claim to be an expert, I know I'm not a doctor but I have been living with this for 10 years now so I have a general idea of what it may be.

I have yet to meet someone who feels the same way I do or understand exactly what its like to be constantly tired and not be able to treat it. Its disheartening but it doesn't stop me from going to work, meeting friends and living a normal life, which I am very greatful for as I know some people are not as lucky. 

If any of you girls suffer from constant exhaustion to the point where it effects your everyday life, would love to hear from you, would appreciate it your thoughts and opinions. Its always nice to know your not on your own :) 

Vanity Vixen x

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

My Favourite Lipstick Brands

My Favourite Lipstick Brands

1. MAC
Love their dark lipsticks from the 'Punk Couture Collection'
I understand this colour is not everybodies cup of tea but personally
I am a MAJOR fan of these colours. They are so fun!

These lipsticks are amazing, the pigment and colour variety is just wow!! Stumbled across these lipsticks on Instagram as most of the MUA's love these lippys. They can be purchased online @ www.meltcosmetics.com

 3. Lime Crime
These lipsticks are pretty expensive but super cute, the pastel colours are probably my fave!
Packaging comes in a gorgeous purple sparkly box. Worth investing in :)

4. NYX
If your a fan of a good nude lipstick, look no further NYX have a fantastic range on nudes and pastel pinks. Recently launched in Ireland keep an eye out for these beautys.

As you have probably noticed Im a fan of the 'in your face' colours. I think they are different from the usual day to day nudes and pinks. KA'OIR cosmetics launched their first lipstick which was a gorgeous vibrant blue, worn by American celebs such as Snooki, Teyana Taylor and Ashanti. Love all the colours, cant choose which one is my fave, defo ordering a few of these babies!

Monday, 21 July 2014

Skin care update

Hey girls, I know it's been a few days since my last blog post but recently I got a new job, full time 40 hours a week, which I am absolutely over the moon about! So I've been up the walls, it's been pretty hectic but I always get around to blogging. I wouldn't dream of neglecting Vanity Vixen. Its apart of my life now & I wouldn't have it any other way :-)

Anyway, I decided to do an updated skin care post as I have been having problems with my skin lately. This is very unusual for me as my skin rarely breaks out and is nearly always blemish free. However I found the last two months, my skin flaring up and breaking out around my chin and forehead area. It was very frustrating for me because I guess I took my clear skin for granted until this happened.

So I decided to go to my doctor and ask her what she thought. I was on 'YAZ' a contraceptive pill (since the age of 17) so straight away my doctor recommended a different pill as this one was not agreeing with my skin anymore. So since then I have started a new pill which is a known for balancing out hormones which will in turn clear up my skin-hopefully! I have been on it the past 15 days now and can really see a difference. There is less oil in my t-zone area and less flare ups.

I also have been doing the following to help my skin look and feel more healthy:

-Taking 1 cod liver oil tablet once a day
-Drinking 4 Litres of water a day
-More fruit (berries, full of anti oxidents) and veg, less chocolate and crisps
-3-4 cups of green tea, gets rid of impurities and toxins
-1 primrose evening tablet a day
-Applying tea tree oil to dry up any unwanted blemishes
-Started using a different cleanser to rebalance my skin (Jurlique)
-Currently using a mattifying moisturiser to get rid of any excess oil on skin

I will admit the hardest part of all this has been the cutting down on junk food and upping my water and veg intake. However I am slowly but surely seeing improvements. It takes time girls, it doesn't happen over night, be patient!
Your skin is so important never take it for granted. Invest in your skin, come 10/20 years down the line you'll be glad you did.

Vanity Vixen x

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Wishlist Wednesday

So today is Wednesday and I have decided to do a new fun blog post dedicated to my current 'wish list'.
I think almost every girl has a wish list, weather it be that expensive high end makeup, a designer bag, luxurious clothes or that exotic holiday you've been dreaming about. My wish list doesn't end either, I'm a demon, always adding to it.  :) 

1. Beauty Box/Organizer- These are so handy for organizing makeup, and because it is see through you don't have to search for your fave lipstick for hours on end. When it comes to my makeup I am slightly obsessed with having everything neat and tidy. This beauty box is perfect for organization junkies. These can be purchased online. They have a fantastic range and variety on e-bay.

2. Anastasia Beverley Hills 'Contour Book' - This ultimate book consists of contouring, correcting and highlighting shades, for literally EVERY skin tone. It looks so amazing! This is not actually for sale, Anastasia and her team recently sent these books out to all her fave Instagram makeup artists to review shades and colours etc. However the actual refill palettes will be available to buy very soon online. 
Anastasia Beverley Hill's have one of the best contouring palettes out there. 

3. Tom Ford 12 piece Brush set- Besides being one of my fave songs and designers Tom Ford has brought out a beautiful white brush set. When I felt these brushes, they were literally like silk, i fell in love straight away! I can only imagine how well they'd apply a foundation or a highlighter. 

Some day..some day! :)

4. Giuseppe Zanotti Heels- I have seen these babies on numerous celebs like J.Lo and Kim Kardashian but when I saw them on Nicki Minaj I fell in love with them (majorrrrr Nicki fan ). These heels would go with everything but at the same time would add that wow factor to any outfit. It is my absolute goal in life to buy a pair of these! :) 

5. Exotic holiday in Seychelles Island- Seychelles Island is a beautiful Island in the Indian Ocean. It has several beautiful beaches and some of the most breath taking scenery in the world.Newly wed Rosanna Davison actually just spent her Honeymoon on this exact Island.
This would be 100% my dream holiday, escaping all the hustle and bustle of a busy life, sipping on some fresh coconuts, being fed fruit by a Tom Hardy look alike... A girls got to dream big! :-) 

Vanity Vixen x

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Technique Tuesday

Sorry I posted this so late girls but I've been super busy, makes good bedtime reading anyway!:)

I decided to write this post for all the girls/women out there who find they just can't perfect that sultry smokey eye no matter what they do. The key is technique, the correct technique and that's what I am going to talk about today.

In my experience as a makeup artist the most requested look is a 'Kim Kardashian' or 'Mila Kunis' inspired smokey eye, why? because they look good obviously but mainly because they have a fantastic makeup artist that know exactly how to perfect that certain smokey technique.

1. Quality brushes are essential in getting your technique right. I use 'Real Technique' or 'Ecotools' brushes.

2 .A primer needs to be applied all over the eyelid to create a smooth base so that the pigment of the shadow has something to sit and stick to.
 3. A light hand needs to be used when applying an eyeshadow or a pigment, usually using a 'packing' or 'patting' motion.

4. When blending an eyeshadow you blend upwards and outwards but as light handed as possible in circular motions. Blending is always done with a fluffy, very soft blending brush.

5. How do you know when to stop blending?
There should be no harsh lines left and the transition between the two colours should be almost invisable.

6. Always blend out with a lighter colour. For example if I was defining the crease with a dark brown, I would blend out with a light brown to soften the dark brown on the crease. This takes that horrible harsh line away and softens it, which in turn creates the 'smokey' effect that you want.
Always remember practice make perfect and consistancy is key. If you want to perfect that smokey eye you've always dreamed of being able to do, then do it, but it is going to take time.
Dont expect eyes like Kim or Mila first go because chances are it wont look like that.
Youtube is fantastic aswell for helping out with detailed step by step tutorials.
I actually can't wait to start my youtube (eventually) :-)

Everybody's got to start somewhere so get practicing ladies and remember BLEND BLEND BLEND.
Hope this helped.

Vanity Vixen x

Saturday, 12 July 2014

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes Like a Pro

How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes Like a Pro

Cleaning your makeup brushes is vital for keeping bacteria at bay and maintaining your soft brushes.
A build up of makeup on brushes can stiffen and harden them, this then can irritate sensitive skin.
Also if you are using your brushes on friends or your clients cleaning brushes is SO important in preventing cross infection.
(These are not all of my brushes, just a few. I was too lazy to clean them all!)

*Regular cleaning will help remove:

-Old makeup
-Dirt and debris
-Dead skin cells

*How many times a week should you clean brushes?

Once a week atleast, but preferably 2-3 times, depending on how much you are using them and who you are using them on. I always wash my brushes at night before I go to bed, that way you are giving the brushes enough time to dry before you use them again.

Alot of girls ask me do I use high end brush cleansers like MAC etc. The answer is no,
I don't believe in spending that amount of money on a cleanser (especially if you don't have that kind of money.) Below I will show you two of the most effective cleansers I use, which are easy to get your hands on and also super inexpensive.

Johnson's Baby Shampoo & a sponge:
Wet your brush making sure you wet the brush completely. Squeeze a small amount of shampoo onto the sponge and swirl your brush on the sponge in circular motions. Then rinse your brush with warm water (never hot, can damage bristles). Make sure you rinse all the shampoo out of the brush. If it is still 'suddy' continue to rinse until your brush feels squeeky clean. Again squeeze out rest of the water, shape them back to their original shape, this is very important.
Now lay them flat on a clean towel to dry.

Olive Oil:
I only use this for my brushes that are heavily embedded with makeup. Like, if you used your brush in a gel liner or if the brush is very stiff with makeup residue. Take some paper towel and drip a tiny amount of olive oil and swirl the dry brush onto the towel. Don’t use too much oil. You just want to use enough to help break down the makeup on the brush. After that's done, clean the brush like normal with the baby shampoo and make sure you rinse the brush completely and lay flat on a clean towel to dry.

There you have it, a fast, easy and inexpensive way to clean your babies.
I really cannot stress enough how important it is to clean your brushes, not just for hygiene purposes
but to get as much as you can out of your brushes, and to keep them soft and silk. If you are uncertain about which makeup brushes to chose I would highly recommend the 'Real Technique' brushes by Samantha Chapman (Pixie Woo on Youtube) and the 'Eco Tool's'. These both can be purchased in Boots for budget friendly prices.

Vanity Vixen :) x

Friday, 11 July 2014

Review on NYX goodies


So girls I finally got my hands on two NYX products. I chose the 'Dewy Finish' setting spray and the 'HD Photogenic' concealor. I picked them both up in Sam Mc Cauley's chemist in Blackpool just 5 minutes outside Cork City. To say that I was excited is an understatement...literally like a child at Christmas! However I was pretty dissapointed with the selection, very limited but I expected that as it is only being stocked in Ireland a few months.

I chose the 'Dewy Finish' setting spray as I decided I needed something to set my makeup in this clammy humid weather we are recently having. This spray is fantastic and lives up to the hype I've heard so much about. It sets your makeup and keeps it in place, while giving a gorgeous dewy glow.
I sprayed a little bit onto my t-zone; that is my problem area, where I am most oily. I found my foundation didn't as much as it normally did after a few hours. It also kept my face shine free which is always a bonus! Big thumbs up for this Summer essential and @ only €9.99 is a very reasonable price for such a professional brand.

The 'HD Photogenic' concealor is now one of my holy grail products that I will be purchasing again and again. Cannot get enough of this concealor, the coverage is just WOWZA with a gorgeous creamy consistancy yet feels very light on the skin. I use this under the eye and temple area, creating a 'V' shape to disguise those dreaded dark circles and give the eye area a natural lift. The concealor is especially designed to work well on the skin behind a camera. So girls this is defo a must have product for that 'selfie central' night out on the town.

Over all I am delighted with how the products lived up to my expectations, and for the price I paid for these two products (all under €17) I will be defo stocking up on more NYX goodies.

Vanity Vixen x

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

L'Oreal Sublime Bronze Elixir (2 week tan)

My review on L'Oreal's Sublime Bronze Elixir (2 week tan)

I am probably the fairest skinned person I know, so finding a tan for my face and body that doesn't make me look like an umpa lumpa is pretty difficult. Also the skin on my face is VERY sensitive, and I would usually be very slow to apply a fake tan onto my face incase it reacted badly. I am seriously fussy when it comes to tans weather it be mooses, sprays or creams. I have tried quite alot of tans but I had yet to come across a tan that ticked most of my boxes...until I picked up this baby. :)

5 things I look for in a fake tan 

1. Nice/No smell. (Nothing worse than a strong smell of your skin next morning.)
2. Drys in fast. (Ain't nobody got time to be standing around in the nude waiting for it to dry in!)
3. Non patchy on both face and body
4. A bronze/sun kissed NOT orange/tangerine colour
5. Wears off evenly

The L'Oreal Elixir is a liquid/serum that drys in extremely fast, which was fantastic, however it means you have to act fast, rub in well and evenly. There was no sticky or uncomfortable feeling after either which was great, it meant I could get into my fresh PJ's (no better feeling!).
Prior to putting on the tan I had been exfoliating and moisturising to create a smooth base for tan to sit and develop on. This is very important when avoiding a patchy application. However this needs to be done a week in advance, nothing on the day of the actual application.

After applying it last night this morning I woke up to a gorgeous shimmering light-medium glow, baring in mind I only applied 1 layer to face and body. I was very pleased with how even it was (but this does depend on how well you apply it, fast and spreaded evenly!) Slightly strong smelling was probably the only thing I was dissapointed with. Over the next 3 days I will be applying a layer each night to slowly build up the colour, this however is optional.

Overall I love the colour and quality of this product, will it last for 2 weeks is the question?!
I haven't gotten around to seeing if it lives up to that yet, but will keep you all updated!
However I do think it is worth a purchase if you are willing to splurge a bit. Perhaps not for people who like their tan extremely dark, but for fair skinned people (like most of us Irish) I do think it is worth trying out and having some fun with.
After all as the saying goes 'your worth it'

Can be purchased in Boots and most pharmacies that stock L'Oreal.
Retailing @ €20.12

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Current hair care routine

Current hair care routine

Like most women I adore my hair and try my absolute best to take great care of it. 
I was blessed with poker straight, thick hair. I don't own a G.H.D or a straightener of any type
and rarely curl or crimp my hair. The odd time I might braid it and sleep on it overnight to give it a little cute beach wave. I don't claim to be an expert on hair because I am not, I just enjoy learning new things and trying out new hair masks, D.I.Y recipes,
then sharing about how they have worked for me. 

This simple D.I.Y mask is my fave.
I like to treat my long locks to a protein rich mask treatment that literally takes seconds to apply.
This mask is so effective and so inexpensive to make, which is what most of us woman want.

What you need: eggs

Normal hair- Entire egg to condition hair.
Oily hair-Egg whites only to remove excess unwanted oils.
Dry hair- Egg yolk only to moisturise dry, brital hair.

* Use 1/2 cup of whichever egg mixture is appropriate for you and apply it to clean, damp hair
* Leave on for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water to prevent the egg from “cooking” and shampoo your hair as normal.

Whole egg and yolk treatments can be applied once a month
Whites only treatment can be applied every two weeks.

My next holy grail for hair care is coconut oil. This can be purchased in any health shops and most stores such as Tesco, Aldi, Lidl etc.
Studies say that coconut oil is hands down, one of the most effective hair treatments. It is said that coconut oil actually works better than any man-made treatments on the market, and because it's 100% natural it's free of silicone, alcohols, and other chemicals that can irritate sensitive skin and hair.

It works unbelievably well for repairing my damaged ends, I love to use this as a hot treatment conditioner every 2-3 days. I melt it in the microwave, apply it while its still hot and leave it in for up to 10 minutes then rinse with warm water. Sometimes I leave it on over night and braid my hair, depending on how dry its feeling, but WOW does this work!

Ladies have a go of either one of these and see how they work for your hair, I am not claiming to be an expert by no means, but these have worked wonders on my hair and are so inexpensive and easy to use. Its also an excuse to pamper yourself, so get to it ladies, you'll have that shiny silky smooth hair in a matter of minutes.

Vanity Vixen x