How To Clean Your Makeup Brushes Like a Pro
Cleaning your makeup brushes is vital for keeping bacteria at bay and maintaining your soft brushes.
A build up of makeup on brushes can stiffen and harden them, this then can irritate sensitive skin.
Also if you are using your brushes on friends or your clients cleaning brushes is SO important in preventing cross infection.
(These are not all of my brushes, just a few. I was too lazy to clean them all!)
*Regular cleaning will help remove:
-Old makeup
-Dirt and debris
-Dead skin cells
*How many times a week should you clean brushes?
Once a week atleast, but preferably 2-3 times, depending on how much you are using them and who you are using them on. I always wash my brushes at night before I go to bed, that way you are giving the brushes enough time to dry before you use them again.
Alot of girls ask me do I use high end brush cleansers like MAC etc. The answer is no,
I don't believe in spending that amount of money on a cleanser (especially if you don't have that kind of money.) Below I will show you two of the most effective cleansers I use, which are easy to get your hands on and also super inexpensive.
Johnson's Baby Shampoo & a sponge:
Wet your brush making sure you wet the brush completely. Squeeze a
small amount of shampoo onto the sponge and swirl your
brush on the sponge in circular motions. Then rinse your brush with warm water (never hot, can damage bristles). Make sure you rinse all the shampoo out of
the brush. If it is still 'suddy' continue to rinse until your
brush feels squeeky clean. Again squeeze out rest of the water, shape them back to their original shape, this is very important.
Now lay them
flat on a clean towel to dry.
Olive Oil:
I only use this for my
brushes that are heavily embedded with makeup. Like, if you used
your brush in a gel liner or if the brush is very stiff with makeup
residue. Take some paper towel and drip a tiny amount of olive oil and swirl the dry brush onto the towel. Don’t
use too much oil. You just want to use enough to help break down the makeup on the brush.
After that's done, clean the brush like normal with the baby shampoo and make sure you rinse the
brush completely and lay flat on a clean towel to dry.
There you have it, a fast, easy and inexpensive way to clean your babies.
I really cannot stress enough how important it is to clean your brushes, not just for hygiene purposes
but to get as much as you can out of your brushes, and to keep them soft and silk. If you are uncertain about which makeup brushes to chose I would highly recommend the 'Real Technique' brushes by Samantha Chapman (Pixie Woo on Youtube) and the 'Eco Tool's'. These both can be purchased in Boots for budget friendly prices.
Vanity Vixen :) x
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