Anyway, I decided to do an updated skin care post as I have been having problems with my skin lately. This is very unusual for me as my skin rarely breaks out and is nearly always blemish free. However I found the last two months, my skin flaring up and breaking out around my chin and forehead area. It was very frustrating for me because I guess I took my clear skin for granted until this happened.
So I decided to go to my doctor and ask her what she thought. I was on 'YAZ' a contraceptive pill (since the age of 17) so straight away my doctor recommended a different pill as this one was not agreeing with my skin anymore. So since then I have started a new pill which is a known for balancing out hormones which will in turn clear up my skin-hopefully! I have been on it the past 15 days now and can really see a difference. There is less oil in my t-zone area and less flare ups.
I also have been doing the following to help my skin look and feel more healthy:
-Taking 1 cod liver oil tablet once a day
-Drinking 4 Litres of water a day
-More fruit (berries, full of anti oxidents) and veg, less chocolate and crisps
-3-4 cups of green tea, gets rid of impurities and toxins
-1 primrose evening tablet a day
-Applying tea tree oil to dry up any unwanted blemishes
-Started using a different cleanser to rebalance my skin (Jurlique)
-Currently using a mattifying moisturiser to get rid of any excess oil on skin

I will admit the hardest part of all this has been the cutting down on junk food and upping my water and veg intake. However I am slowly but surely seeing improvements. It takes time girls, it doesn't happen over night, be patient!
Your skin is so important never take it for granted. Invest in your skin, come 10/20 years down the line you'll be glad you did.
Vanity Vixen x
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