Since the age of twelve constant exhaustion and a lack of energy has been a huge part of my life.
As you can imagine it is really frustrating when you know for sure there is something not right but doctors can't give you any answers. I have endured numerous horrible blood tests (hate needles) to rule out anemia, underactive thyroid, hemoglobinosis, caeliac disease, and diabetes.
I am 22 now, and still haven't been diagnosed with anything. Its gotten to a stage now where I am trolling the internet for answers and literally self diagnosing LOL which is the worst thing you can do!
In school and college I was notorious for falling asleep in EVERY class, after awhile teachers and friends knew there was something up. I laughed it off but really it upset me that I wasn't able to stay awake for a class I enjoyed like Art or English. In college I studied beauty therapy and it was so difficult to study and keep up with the practical work, so much that it is safe to say I really struggled with college life.
So now I've reached a stage where I refuse to be fobbed off anymore and am determined to be diagnosed with something, atleast then it can be treated. More than likely I am thinking I suffer from
'Cronic Fatigue Syndrome' or 'Hypersomnia'. I don't claim to be an expert, I know I'm not a doctor but I have been living with this for 10 years now so I have a general idea of what it may be.
I have yet to meet someone who feels the same way I do or understand exactly what its like to be constantly tired and not be able to treat it. Its disheartening but it doesn't stop me from going to work, meeting friends and living a normal life, which I am very greatful for as I know some people are not as lucky.
If any of you girls suffer from constant exhaustion to the point where it effects your everyday life, would love to hear from you, would appreciate it your thoughts and opinions. Its always nice to know your not on your own :)
Vanity Vixen x
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